get Pierced
You’d like to get a piercing?
Here you’ll find general information on the procedure.
Our minimum age for piercings is 14. We do piercings basically any time and without appointment. We work according to the ground rules found in the Austrian Federal Law Gazette, and hold the necessary license for piercing procedures. Our certificate of hygiene can be viewed in our studio.
Are you looking for piercing jewelry?
We have a large selection of diverse navel piercing jewelry, tunnels, plugs, fake plugs, spirals, septum-clickers and all kinds of standard piercing jewelry in stock.
Opening hours:
from 11.00-14.30 & 15.30-18.30 hrs
from 12.00-18.00 hrs
Image Gallery
We pierce the following areas:
Earlobe, ear cartilage (all kinds), eyebrow, nostril, septum, labret/lip, frenulum, tongue, nipple, navel, surface, dermal anchor, intimate areas.
Directions for care
To ensure fast healing after piercing, there are some points which must be observed, which we have compiled for you here. You can also download these instructions as a PDF.
For piercings of the ear cartilage, earlobe, nose, labret, nipple, navel areas and any kind of surface piercings:
Use Octenisept or Pegacare (spray bottle) on the pierced area (note reaction times), if needed remove any crusting with a cotton swab and move the jewelry back and forth after spraying again into the hole (use only a cotton swab, not your fingers). Spray the area 3 times daily in the first 3-4 weeks and 1-2 times daily in the 5th and 6th weeks (as needed).
For the first 14 days, avoid:
Solarium, saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, bathtubs and any kind of sports which could impact the pierced area in any way. For labret piercings, Madonnas and Medusas, avoid hard alcoholic drinks. (Beer and wine are allowed in moderation)
For piercings in intimate areas:
Use Octenisept and avoid any kind of sexual activity until the pierced area is completely healed!
For piercings in the mouth (such as the tongue) or lip frenulum:
Rinse mouth with Listerine (antibacterial mouthwash), 3 times daily (optimally after meals). A possible side effect of Listerine is a coating on the tongue (white, yellow, brown)
Avoid for the first 10 days:
Alcohol, milk or dairy products, citrus fruits and juices, spicy or very hot meals, and smoke as little as possible
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you use the following as a primary piercing disinfection:
- Disinfection solutions containing alcohol – Betaisodona salve
- Saline solution – hydrogen peroxide
- Essential oils (due to possible allergies) - antiseptics
Possible side effects from piercings:
- Reddening, swelling – wound secretion
- Slight bleeding (in first 14 days) - discomfort
- Coating on the tongue – new formations on the tongue (Uvula piercing)